The Weeping Philosophers: My Life Has Been Like Water
The Weeping Philosphers is made up of two artists, Mark Costello and Kelly Colburn. They're both currently MFA candidates at the University of Maryland studying projection design and my mentors when it comes to designing projections. This was a two part show, act 1 being "My Life Has Been Like Water" and act 2 "untitled homage to my twenties in new york city". "My Life Has Been Like Water" was created by Mark and it was a beautiful blend of monologues, movement, projections, and lighting. Check it out! To see images from "untitled homage to my twenties in new york city" click here.

I'm especially proud of this shot, I couldn't get everything into one shot so this is actually 26 images stitched together! Luckily they weren't moving a lot